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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Plokmaster Tagboard Multi-Sender v1.0.1

This is a tagboard multi-sender that sends a message to tagboards you included on the list. This version supports Cbox and shoutmix only.


Windows XP and higher
Microsoft .NET Framework


Password: plokmaster.com

Problem with this software:

It's doesn't work with other computer unless you have a Microsoft Visual Studio installed in it.



WebbieLady said...

are you selling this stuff? It's really great.. is this the lowest price?

Chester said...

yes... it is for sale.. and this is the lowest price for now!

Nora P. said...

thanks a lot for the visit. tc

nev said...

this is cool,

will you give the instruction once we pay you or what?

Mommy Lutchi said...

ok Im it. What to do first?

Nora P. said...

thanks for stopping by. Sorry, im not interested to buy anyhting. have a good night.